How to Tell If Your AC Unit Has Mold?

By PeterLogan

Mold growth typically begins with an unpleasant aroma in your AC unit or vents, but its presence could quickly spread spores, leading to nasal congestion, irritation of throat and coughing as well as leaving an unpleasant odor every time your unit turns on. It is crucial that you take time and care in identifying whether there is mold present either within its ducts or inside its unit for both health and nasal health purposes. Service Aircon Singapore are confident you will be delighted when we meet all your air conditioner requirements in Singapore. As one of the premier providers for air conditioning service in Singapore, we provide quality services at an economical cost – making your experience cool with Service Aircon Singapore easier and reducing risks that might cause issues down the line.

How Dangerous Is Mold in an AC Unit?

Mold in an air conditioning unit poses no greater or lesser risk than any other area in your home; its only difference and risk comes from how air flows throughout. Mold that accumulates in HVAC ducts could move through to various rooms throughout your house that have air vents, eventually impacting health in every corner. Instead of remaining isolated to one specific space like an attic or basement, its presence could pose more of a threat than just that specific space would.

Is There Mold in My AC Unit?

Mold growth on metal surfaces found on AC systems and air vents may not be optimal. However, mold may still thrive given enough food sources such as human or pet dust that is commonly found among household dust.

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Determining whether or not an air conditioning unit contains mold can be tricky. Most homeowners rely on several indicators of contamination for making this determination, including:

Mildew or musty smell that increases with use.

Dust particles found in the airways that is dark or black-colored are called airborne pollutants.

Mold growth is visible on AC units and air vents.

Mold can appear anywhere within your home. If it does appear elsewhere, however, contact an inspector immediately as soon as you suspect there could be mold present.

Mold spores that have traveled through your air vents could contribute to new mold growth in other damp areas in your residence. If you detect mold growth indoors, it is always wise to inspect both air vents and AC units for signs of any possible exposure that could have led to its spread.

How to Clean Mold In an AC Unit?

Cleaning mold can be an unpleasant task that requires protective gear for maximum safety.


  • A face mask (preferably one marked N-95).
  • Goggles and Rubber
  • Gloves If you are cleaning mold off an indoor AC unit or an in-wall AC, ensure the area where you work is well ventilated.

How to Clean Mold in AC (Central Air)?

Mold growth requires professional intervention; should you detect mold in your central cooling unit, be sure to stop using it immediately and turn off its fan on your thermostat to reduce air circulation throughout your home.

Be sure to utilize an experienced mold remediation service like STOP Restoration when dealing with mold in your central air conditioning system.

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How to Clean Mold in a Window AC Unit?

Once mold appears on a window AC unit, it may already be too late. Cleaning might not remove all spores present from coils and Evaporators – any that remain will soon return despite efforts at removal; for this reason we advise replacing windows AC units exhibiting signs of mold growth as soon as they appear.

Preventing Mold in HVAC Systems

AC units generate moisture during operation. To prevent mold growth in an AC unit and spread throughout its HVAC unit, keep track of any buildup of moisture by checking drain pans, drip intake vents and air vents as part of your routine maintenance routine.

More often you use your air conditioning, the more important it is to monitor any signs of mold growth – which could occur as often as every two weeks depending on humidity levels in your environment.

HVAC Fan Settings Affect Your Air Quality and Utility Bills

If your air conditioning unit is running and your HVAC fan is also spinning, it is up to you as to whether the fan continues operating until your home reaches the ideal temperature, which often means making decisions between cost and comfort.

Auto vs. On

Most HVAC systems feature two fan options, “auto” and “on”. With “auto”, your fan will run in tandem with your AC to help with air distribution; otherwise it will continue churning until adjusted accordingly. When set to “on”, however, forced air will continuously stream out your vents until adjusted upon.

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Setting an air conditioner’s “auto” setting has several key advantages, including saving energy, reducing wear-and-tear on HVAC components such as the fan motor, and getting more use from every filter in your system. Unfortunately, though, air conditioners tend to stagnate during cooling cycles if windows are left open during warmer months; making you uncomfortable before it shuts off!

“On” settings are quite the opposite, constantly refreshing your indoor air while disguising household odors more effectively – perfect for allergy sufferers! Unfortunately, however, 24 hour cycles will appear on your monthly energy bill while air filters require regular replacement and repairs or replacement of their motor may occur more frequently.

At other times, one of the “on” settings can let humid outdoor air into your home during cooling cycles. While this is less of an issue in arid regions, in humid regions it may pose more of a problem; to combat this issue in humid regions it may be possible to use whole-home dehumidification systems with continuous fans if desired for improving indoor air quality.